Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dear Proactiv

Dear Proactiv,

I know it is late in the season, but could you please consider sponsoring I Love Money? Perhaps just drop off a few free samples to the set?

I don't know if it is all the late night drinking, the stress of catching catapulted chickens, or simply sleeping on hair extension glue encrusted pillow cases, but something is causing the I Love Money cast to suffer from some serious skin funkiness. It seems like each early morning scene where they get their wake-up conference call, they are all sporting some splotchy blotchy, humpy bumpy, crusty cysty skin that could use some Proactiv attention.

I realize this is a "reality" show, but I prefer my "celebs" to be camera ready at all times. If I wanted to watch a bunch of losers with bad skin shouting at each other, I could just peek out my window at my neighbors across the street.

Thinking HDTV is not always such a great idea,

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